Monday, July 9, 2007

bike with no hand brakes + going downhill = me falling on my butt

it's been a long time since i've written anything. it feels weird writting. but anyways, i'm finally back in gainesville and so happy cause finally i'm with jimmy again. those two and a half weeks seemed like two and half million years! it was so weird when i saw jimmy again. it was like we were starting over or something but everything's back to normal and feels just the way it always does: perfect.oh and i bought jimmy a dvd player (its not really a gift when you think about it cause it benefits the both of us and i hate the fact that it does)but its really cool. i don't think he realizes i bought it for him either, but i'm gonna buy him something that only he can use as soon as i find something that suits him perfectly. but anyways we rented "Comrades: Almost a love story" from the school library and it rocks. it's the best movie in the world. you need to watch it. and we also have the harry potter dvd which sucks cause i can't find the extra scenes.i'm so happy cause i got the coolest bike now. jimmy got it for me but i'm gonna pay him back although he tells me not to. but its supposedly vintage and it has a basket and a back seat thing like in Comrades! cool! but sadly, i can't ride it any time soon cause on saturday me and jimmy were riding bikes home and we were going downhill and the bike i was on had no hand brakes, it had those weird "push backwards on the pedals to stop" brakes and i've never been able to do that and i was going too fast and i couldn't stop and i just fell. i slid off the sidewalk onto the street which was really scary. and now i have "owchies" on both of my legs, my hands, and left elbow. so i walk like a robot now, although today i'm significantly better. hopefully by wednesday i'll be up and at it so i can go look for a job. i am sooooooo broke!

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